Saturday, January 6, 2007

What it is!

This blog has been set up by some of us folks who work with Retro Poll ( I'm one. Us bloggers at Whose News, Reality Checker believe Media lie. We believe Media conceal. We believe Media distort. All this systematically and by intent. Aand not just Media owned by fascists like R. Murdoch--New Corp/ Fox--and Rev. Moon--Washington Times. Also Media that those ranting rightists love to call liberal like NY Times, SF Chronicle, Washington Post, Boston Globe. But beyond that, all national major Corporate Media, and that includes PBS. They are all funded by and connected ideologically to big money--corporations and high finance. Even if they tilt this way or that and reflect different ideas about how to use power, their job is to defend the idea of the necessity and inevitability of a class society in which a few profit at the expense of all others.(Oh, sure we get an occasional caricatured critical voice here and there, to diffuse criticism, but we are talking about the geshtalt--their censored stories which avoid obvious truths or bury the salient facts, their experts, the carefully selected TV house pundits). How many people know that the NY Times is a giant corporation, one of the Fortune 500, or that essentially all the major media are owned by either huge corporations or Wall Street interests? Or for that matter, that the Tobacco giants own a large section of the food industry.

The public can understand that Corporate Media is a fundamental part of Corporate Capitalism, and as such that Media producers, captains, produce Media that plays a leading cultural role in concealing and/or defending predatory behaviors, at least up to the moment these are exposed. The usefulness to big money of dominating the means of communication, and of culture in general, is obvious: to bolster the credibility of the political class and the facade of democracy, to prevent resistance to the U.S. government whose policies are pimarly directed by the expansionary needs of high finance, not of the general population.

Retro Poll shows how most opinion polls done for and publicized by Media exist to convince people that we Americans support these predatory behaviors and policies, including even many policies created to remove our public rights and the opportunities for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Retro Poll shows how this is done and why many, if not most, of the polls reported in the Corporate Media are constructed to reinforce a great big lie. In simplist form it's called bait and switch. Or garbage in, garbage out. If you repeatedly tell people Sadaam worked with the purveyors of 9/11 and has access to nuclear weapons, people will support a war and occupation of Iraq. Garbage in, garbage out.

But you can't fool all of the people all of the time and sooner or later you can't fool most of the people. That is why Mr. Bush is now in trouble. However, the Media did change it's uncritical stance on Bush. But when did Media criticism begin? Only as disaster upon disaster unfolded, as he was reaching the end of his rope, as the reality of his failures and duplicity and ruthlessness became undeniable in print, on TV, on Radio. Then they got out of the way, as if Media had nothing to do with the destruction of Iraq, the destruction of the Constitution, the removal of rights, the defense of torture, the fabricated generalized threat and fear of terror against the general population etc. Media remains the main source of news and info for the general public, but isn't it apparent that people are wary and becoming more aware? More folks are catching on to the damning role Corporate Media plays in our culture--from bogus news right on to making stardom and wealth the center of the universe while millions work in bad jobs at low pay; from selling us falsehoods to using sexuality to sell us everything in the world we don't need. Soon enough most people will understand that "Reality TV" isn't about reality but about distracting us from reality. That Media is as big a part of our problem as are corrupt politicians. The public is going to do a surprise reality check on the Media. Whose News? It's only a matter of time. So let's here from you!!!! and check out

Vox populi

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